Black and White Bikes of Europe

As a big fan of cycling I often find myself subconsciously photographing cycling culture as I travel. I love taking time out of travelling to rent a bike and see the country from the road, it allows you to go off the beaten track and in some cities it can be a great money saver. Here are a selection of my favourite cycling snapshots I took while travelling from Denmark to Switzerland (by train)..


Cycling with a Fish-Eye

Since getting my new fixed gear bike last month I have been wanting to go out and capture a journey with a camera. I chose my fish-eye as it’s light, sturdy and would hopefully capture both the bike and some of the surroundings. Due to being a film camera it was difficult to know what I was capturing especially as I was having to balance and steer at the same time. I’m happy with the results although I want going to go out again and experiment more with the fish-eye capabilities.



Last Night Was One of the Best Sunsets I’ve Ever Seen So I Decided to Post a Few Sunset Images I Have Taken Over The Last Couple of Months. None of Them Have Been Post-Edited.